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Conscious living
Life is full of decisions. Everyday, we make hundreds of choices from what we wear, what we eat, who we going to spend time with and what we are going to
do that day. Sometimes we do not give much thought to these choices yet sometimes we can spend days deciding what we want to wear on a night out.
Personally, I know I have been guilty forgetting to make eco-conscious decisions. I will sometimes forget to check the packaging and throw something in the
bin instead of recycling or run my shower a little longer when I am having a bad day. Each day I like to think I am making a small impact on sustaining our
planet even if it’s not as much as I should be.
Sustainable fashion is something we can all become better at. As a university student I was one of the many who would shop at fast fashion brands as they
were a lot cheaper. I also did not realise how wasteful the fast fashion industry was and truthfully I did not give it much thought.
After glancing over a few articles and watching some documentaries, my interest grew and I was shocked to discover the impact of these companies on the
The colouring and printing process of fabrics uses incredibly toxic chemicals and has caused some serious birth defects in the children of cotton farmers due to
the polluted waters. These clothes are typically dyed in less developed countries and due to a lack of proper treatment to the water they are released back into
our seas and rivers untreated causing environmental damage.
South Asian clothes are renowned to being colourful but behind all this colour there is a dark reality for our planet.
We want our community to be conscious of their impact on the planet. Extending the life of clothes by an extra nine months reduces its carbon, water, and
waste footprint by around 20-30% each (1). This is an easy way to become a more conscious member of our society starting with clothes that you already in
our closest.